Emma Rold%C3%A1n

Emma Roldn was a Mexican character actress and costume designer. She is remembered as the sharptongued, domineering matron of Mexican cinema, and was nominated three times for a Silver Ariel Award.

A San Luis Potos native, Roldn was born Emma Roldn Reyna to hotel owners Jos Mara Roldn and Virginia Reyna, the second of four siblings. Her parents hotel was located in front of the Teatro de la Paz in San Luis Potos, where theatrical companies would perform. It is there where she met her husband Pedro Jess Ojeda with whom she procreated two children, Emma Ojeda Roldn and Pedro Ojeda Roldn. She and her husband moved to Monterrey, but they would tour across the country, a life she disliked. They later divorced and Roldn relocated to her parents home in Potos.

Source: Wikipedia